
Showing posts from June, 2018

Panormitis (Symi)

  23rd June 2018 (Symi) Anchored in the bay of Panormitis on the island of Symi, again surrounded by a ring of protective low lying hills.  These are dotted with olive and pine trees and hardy clumps of bushes, all just about managing to cling to the sun bleached rock. The constant hum of cicadas fill the air, mixed with an occasional goat bleat. We arrived here yesterday afternoon after a close to perfect 4 hour crossing from Alimnos - calm seas, enough wind to blow us along at around 5 knots without the need for motor, both sails up. We both felt really relaxed... then came time to anchor.  A few factors made this process less than ideal: A little confusion around exactly where to drop. A jammed windlass from not flaking the chain. Helpful but hard to hear advice from our travelling companions (Dave & Paul)... Anyway, after a frantic, red faced and stressful 20 mins we were well set. In hindsight, it’ll turn out to be a good learning experience - but none too pleasant

U-Boat pen (Alimnos)

  (1) 22nd June 2018 (Alimnos) This morning finds us anchored on the small uninhabited island of Alimnos. We’re in a secluded little bay protected from the wind by a surrounding ring of low lying hills, which emit an occasional bleat from wandering goats. Arrived here on Thursday, after a 12 hour haul from the fishing town of Fry on the island of Kassos. We were lucky enough to be visited by an excited pod of jumping dolphins along the way.  Since arriving we’ve done a little bit of exploring - the island has a fascinating history: we’re overlooked by what now remains of a Crusades castle on the hilltop (top spot for hiding a holy grail if anyone’s looking). The bay we’re in was used as a Uboat pen during the war - where sadly a team of British commandos sent to sabotage the subs were captured and executed. Until that point the island had been inhabited, but the last of the villagers left in 1942, leaving a few sandstone buildings and a small Byzantine style chapel behind. We’r