
Showing posts from June, 2022

Poker and Waterfalls (Grenada)

Still happily anchored in cruiser friendly Woburn Bay, Grenada.. our hop to Trinidad, for now, postponed. This delay is caused by a combination of concerning weather factors and really just loving where we are at the moment. More on the weather later no doubt. Well after a night of celebration (driving up and down and honking their horns) Grenada has a new prime minister: Dickon Mitchell. I was pleasantly surprised by his first order of business - nothing of the usual politicians waffle about inflation, crime, immigration etc. “Project number one” he said, “I want us to start planting the nutmeg plants, the cinnamon plants, because project number one is to replant all of the spices” He’ll no doubt be embroiled in scandals and corruption by next week, but a refreshing opening statement none the less. Having finished licking my wounds from last weeks poker losses and accompanying hangover, come Friday, I decide to give it another go. This time drinking orange juice all night and winning

My Happy Place (Whisper Cove, Grenada)

  June 1st...Happy start of Hurricane season! Arrived at Prickly Bay, Grenada, a wide well populated anchorage, which hasn’t quite got the charm of the jungly North of the island - don’t get me wrong, it’s a far from ugly bay, but we’ll try elsewhere before the forecast blow comes up. Whilst there, we head off on a fairly long hike to the supermarket, this sweaty activity coincided with the local elections getting into full swing. We saw two groups of excited supporters - the red Tshirts and the green Tshirts. There’s lots of shouting, loud hailers and music and we passed one of the candidates - a confident looking Mr. Cox, doing a meet and greet. Back to the boat laden with shopping, upped anchor and headed the short 1hr ish journey around to another of the protected bays on the South of the island. After a wiggle through very visible reefs with their own little surf waves, we find a spot behind ‘Hog Island’ and drop. In the afternoon I take the tender for a Hog island explore - I’d s