
Showing posts from September, 2023

"Come on in guys!" (Mana Island, Fiji)

  Bula Bula!! We’re still in Fiji… and it’s pretty lovely. The sailing is good, the islands and anchorages so far have been beautiful, spacious and close to empty. We’re both quite enjoying boat life for the moment. Our only concern is what the hell we’re going to do next… but read on and we’ll all find out together! On the way to our current anchorage we passed an island. Treasure Island; palm trees, sandy shore.. like any other round here really. This one however was special for us, as it was the place where we’d holidayed with my mum, dad and Charlie some 15 or so years ago… blimey is that right??!! Time really is flying. Anyway - bypassed that little patch of memories and came here - to another notable island in our lives.. Mana Island. We’ve never been here before, but have sat glued to a TV every time it has appeared. It’s the set of our favourite TV show ‘Survivor’. Arriving here, we came through the dogleg pass winding our way through an initially confusing line of marker buoys