A night in Kardamaina (Kos)


(4) 7th July 2018 (Kos)

Last night: (Tied to jetty / Kardamaina)

Went to bed on my side of the ravine on our hard uncomfortable mattress. That was around 10:30pm, this was just before the end of the Brazil v Belgium World Cup quarter final game.

Managed to drop off - woken by a late Brazilian goal and associated cheers ( too little too late - Belgium won 2-1)

The temperature slowly dropped back to a tolerable level as the football finished and the DJs came out to play for the night. 

From midnight to 3am a strange mix of upbeat dancey tracks was pumped straight through our hatches, past our deeply inserted earplugs and into our brains - rattling all the gristle in our inner ear along the way.

As the music faded the laughter & the now familiar screaming began..

Tonight’s highlights:

Episode 1: A Scottish girl repeatedly shouting to her friend ‘Emma!!’ who’d decided to run down the jetty at full pelt and jump in..

Och Emma, you’re scaring me’

Emma did not jump in.

At the same time a young English guy was pleading with Emma’s concerned mate: ‘Ohh go on...please come back to my hotel ... I’m only here for a week’

Episode 2: A classic, but unoriginal Aussie chant is screeched out by, I’d guess 3, inebriated Shielas:

Aussie Aussie Aussie - Oi Oi Oi”

Episode 3: Drunk, slurry middle aged man (should have been in bed hours ago) loudly admires our boat:

I tell ya - I’m fucking getting one of these when I retire” 

Thanks, I hope some loud obnoxious prick wakes you up too!

Episode 4: As the sun slowly nudges up over the hills, there’s a massive splash and women screaming.. we both jump out of bed, and run upstairs... 4 English guys are now swimming in the sewage infested marina water to the delight of their recently acquainted female friends. I stay topside and sit watching a beautiful sunrise, as the now dripping group explain slang terms to impress the ladies:

“ ‘Minging’ - we’ll yeah, that’s like, like when you jump on a dead body and all the shit comes out: Minging”.

Episode 5: Cockerels and Scooter horns herald the new day.

....having read this to Chez, she reminds me about the mangy king of the local cats trying to enter the hatch above our heads - she’d vehemently HISSSED him away.

The wind picking up and our fenders and lines squealing under the strain.

She also reminded me that she still - basically - aches 'fucking everywhere' from falling down the companionway stairs two days ago ( quite spectacular to watch to be honest, and surprising she was sober at the time).


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