Exploring by bike (Leros)


11th Aug 2018 (Leros)

Another sunny day.. breakfasted, then hired a scooter for the day.

Having spent the last few days lazing around in Lakki, I’d assumed the rest of the island would be much of the drab dusty same.

I was happily proven wrong; outside Lakki’s crumbling Art Deco, lies a wonderful little island with beautiful bays. Having got used to the bike, we stopped for a relaxed lunch in a beachside taverna in Panteli - Back to the boat, quick swim at our local beach, then a shortish siesta, before hopping back on the bike again. This time heading up to the island’s castle. An imposing stone structure that overlooks the approaching sea on all sides. The bike (with its inept driver) struggled up the winding hill climb - but we got there in one piece. What an amazing castle! No-one collecting money, we had it (almost) to ourselves. We strolled around, awed by the spectacle of the thing. After an hour or so, jumped back on the bike and headed home via supermarket. Great day :)


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