Back to Kardamaina (Kos)


22nd Aug 2018 (Kos)

Pretty bloody good day yesterday: woke up before dawn, anchored in gentle ripple water just off Kefalos. Decided to get up (not my usual habit), and sat up on deck watching the sun come up while Chez slept on ( she’s been a little poorly with sore throat last couple of days).

With sun glowing on the water we made ready to leave and lifted the anchor.

We’re heading back towards Kardamaina to reconnect with Paul & Jill, and Mark & Alex on Malu Kai.

Got the foresail up without issue - billowing (not flapping) in the 8 -10 knot wind. 

When it came to then setting the main, had a devil of job trying to unfurl it - it had creased in the mast. managed, finally, to get it out and felt so satisfied & happy with both sails up, engine off - THIS is what it’s all about!

Met by the welcoming committee of Mark and Alex in their tender outside the harbour wall and told there was space on the wall where we’d tied up before - not ideal, but probably better than anchoring.

Came in without issue, had just thrown the lines ashore when a French vessel next to Paul pulls out - Chez deftly manoeuvres into the gap and we’re happily med moored to the quay.

Zac ( Port collection guy ) comes to take fees - after a sweet talking from Mark, and a nice chat about NRL and his family in Sydney we come to a slightly reduced rate with electric and water.

Nice lazy afternoon, obligatory nap for me, then sundowners at the Rees’, followed by pizza at our favourite place on the quay. Then off to Malu Kai for more boat drinks and giggles with Mark and Alex (who we’ve really hit it off with) - after a few beers, headed to Chris’ bar for birthday drinks with Jo ( lady from the carvery ) - nice evening - good chats and lots of laughs. Stopped of for nightcaps and a couple of card tricks (well received) then home to bed at 2. Nice day :)


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