Rolly passage (Samos - Patmos)


5th Aug 2018 (Samos to Patmos)

Finally left the town of Pythagorio on Samos - really nice spot, but we’d had enough of the cobbled streets and the same scenery (albeit lovely) ...and the music til 4am. (Unlike Char - who texted that he went to Masif at the Shark hotel last night :) )

We’re now heading over, on a very rolling uncomfortable passage, to Patmos.

Chez is a little under the weather - not enjoying the sea too much today (sideways swelly, and not enough wind to sail) - bucket is at the ready if required. Suspect Jill will be having an equally miserable time.

For now, at least, I appear to have dodged any marine related malaise.

Had the new fishing lure dragging behind for a wee while (unsuccessfully)- but I brought it back in to concentrate on my nursing duties - those massive marlin will have to wait for another day.

Heard from Al & Jane who are spending the day at the Sydney boat show, followed by Hard Rock Cafe ... strange to think a year ago we were there walking around dreaming along with them... (Al has just reminded me on Facebook that it was our turn to pay!)

We still have about 4/5 hours to go.. not much fun for Chee I’m afraid. Hoping she’ll perk up soon. (Update : bucket not required.. sea legs regained!)


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