Noisy to Peaceful ( Kos - Tilos )


6th Sept 2018 (Kos - Tilos)

Disturbed nights sleep last night: firstly our standard 2am mossie hunt, then at 4 ish I flung myself out of bed after hearing a shouted conversation. My sleepy brain translated the raised Northern accents to ‘Mark (Malu Kai) is in some sort of fight and needs help to repel boarders’.. 

Closely followed by Chez I sprang up the companionway stairs to see the usual pissed argumentative pommies going at it:

I cannae believe you’d do this on our last day”

Aww fuckoff or I’ll jump in”

Ahhh... young love!

So somewhat puffy-eyed, we awoke and began prepping for, what will be our first, real sail on our own. ( Kardamaina (Kos) to Tilos)

Said our goodbyes to Mark and Alex on the quay - they have been so lovely/funny/generous, hope we can stay in touch. Then up anchor and away!

Wind began picking up as we headed out, it was pretty much right behind us, so we tried some wing on wing action with the sails - couldn’t quite get it right, so went back to standard config. Still a bit ‘flappy not happy’ so Skip (A’chee) adjusted course to use a more favourable breeze.

What a difference, we cruised along beautifully. 

At one stage Chez saw a fin cutting through the water - we couldn’t get a good look, but it didnt seem dolphin like in its movements, so possibly shark... we’ll never know.

Through the day the wind increased and the swell got... swellier, so we popped the sails away and motored the last half hour or so.

Made it into the bay at Tilos without incident - anchored, dived on it to check (all good)

Then with a stinking headache - from not hydrating enough - took myself off to bed for a long siesta.


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