Escape!! (Leros - Samos)


 5th July 2019 (Leros - Samos)

Still stuck in Leros on the hard.

Awoke in the boatyard just before the alarm at 6:20am. Both happy and glad to be heading off from our island home for a few days ( we’re going to Samos to spend a few days on Jaxon with Dave and Shirl )

We’d done the majority of the prepping and packing last night, so only the bucket to empty and a few other little jobs before we hopped on the bike and headed off. Stopped briefly just before the yard gate to say goodbye to the yard dogs - they’re good puppers. 

Then we hit a roadblock (we’ve been watching a lot of Amazing race recently)...

We couldn’t find the panel to punch in the unlock code for the gate. I thought it would be a good idea to trace the wires back, then realised there were no wires, it was just a push shut gate that had been double padlocked - shit. 

That was at 7:10, the ferry left at 7:40 from Lakki at the other end of the island.

We did a frantic look around to see if anyone was around.. they weren’t. We eventually found a suitable escape route round the back of the workshop where the fence had been tied up.

We manhandled the motorbike down past the side of the workshop, scraped our way out between the fence panels, and we’re Free!

Instructions of ‘don’t spare the horses!’ had us whizzing to Lakki, with only a brief slow down for Chez to shout her encouragement of  ‘hurry up grandad!’ to a close to stationary senior commuter. Arrived at the ferry at 7:38, dumped the moped, left the keys in it (which is the norm here). A quick glance at our tickets by the Port Police and we were on - Great Success! Now sitting here on a slightly rolly ferry bobbing along on the beautiful briney sea.


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