More dry times on Leros (Leros)


29th July 2019 (Leros)

Well we’re tantalizingly close to having the boat repair completed. There’s been many a false dawn, and lots of costly setbacks, but fingers crossed the mast is going up tomorrow, with our new rigging attached. The keel was finished last week, and our saloon is no longer a fibreglass infested building site.

It’s been a long, boring and frustrating few months for both of us.

The dusty yard has been hot and sweaty for the last week - and both now looking forward to swimming off the back of the boat again...

It really doesn’t seem real yet, we’ve been here so long - I’ve joked that we’ve developed Stockholm Syndrome towards our ‘captors’ - who bizarrely are mainly called George!

Entertainment recently has been white wine, chocolate and Survivor South Africa - which sets me off doing silly accents...

Anyway, it appears I’m rambling, so I’ll call it day there. 

Fingers crossed for launch in 3 days!!

As I finish typing the yard dogs are going crazy barking at someone...


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