Water water everywhere (Samos)


5th Aug 2019 (Samos)

What a day! 

Woke in Pythagoria, we’re leaving the quay today as per the harbourmasters instructions. There’s the annual ‘try to burn down a restaurant’ festival tonight, and they need the quay completely cleared.

Before we left, we did a little bit of provisioning and popped to the chandler for some sicolflex. It looks like the water tank might be leaking again. 

We then headed off at around 10:30. Gusty NW winds were forecast (turned out to be constant 20s with gusts to 35), so headed out cautiously.

The wind initially was favourable, so we had the genoa up, and went along quite nicely for the first hour or so.

To the south of Samos is a small island with a fairly wide channel between it and the main island. It was my turn on watch (I had the stone cigar and everything!) and made the decision to sail around it rather than go through - at that time, I considered that the more cautious option.

As we passed the island the winds began picking up, white horses became white stallions and things began to go awry.

We were heading towards higher seas, and by this stage decided close to land would be a better option, so prepared to tack. As we turned, the sail caught under the tender and snagged on a catch on the mast,  it wouldn’t come across - we flapped. We hadn’t started the engine, so did that, then after a few frantic minutes managed to get the sail free - ripped a fist size hole in the process. 

Decided that the rising and gusting wind was not now conducive to sailing, so then rapidly put the sail away. To reach our destination (plan A was Marithakampos ) we needed to head into the wind and so also heading into the slapping head on waves. 

The mood by that stage was not good.

Life jackets on!

The bow is slamming in and out of the water, and spray is repeatedly thrown hard into our faces. 

This uncomfortable roller coaster goes on for some time.

Chez feeling a little under the weather heads below for the toilet, and calls up;

Why is the pump running?”

A little investigation shows us a badly swamped bilge with the pump overwhelmed by the shear volume of water. After tasting the water, the first bit of ‘good’ news of the day is that it’s not seawater.. (we're not sinking!) it is a little salty, but only because the last lot of the water we picked up wasn’t too good.

After half an hour or so, taking turns pumping up and down on the manual bilge pump, we seemed to be at least keeping on top of it - not going to sink - yay!

We’re still probably a good hour away from land at this stage.

I randomly spot a dolphin under some excited seagulls, this is accompanied by an alarm going off - what is that??

It’s the shallow water alarm ..

We estimate we’re in 80-100 meters of water so ignore it.

After far too long for either of us playing the slap slap slap game with the waves, we reach the mouth of Marithakampos marina ( a freebie/under construction marina at time of writing )

As per usual the wind  changes and picks up as we try to med moor - this coupled with the two vessels either side having no fenders out, makes for an interesting 5 mins. Chez - although a little understandably frazzled is equal to the task, and with the help of two of the marinas other freeloading occupants we’re soon tied back. 

Time to investigate the water leak...

I spend the next 6 hours under our bed removing not one, but two water tanks, that after some investigation - and too much advice from friendly neighbours turn out to both be leaking to varied degrees. 

We manage to manhandle them both onto the dock, I then mop bilge until we call it a day. Shower time then back to the good burger place in town which we’d visited before - both absolutely knackered. Stumbled home saying 'hi' to our cat and dog mates along the way (most notable and lovely are two twin red setter crosses), then crash into bed as the wind picks up once again and howls. 

The wind is sufficient for Chez to investigate at one stage, making a few adjustments, and no doubt cursing her lazy lay in bed hubby.. oh well, I'll check on the baby next time..


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