Heading to Rhodes town (Aliminia - Rhodes)


22nd Sept 2019 (Alimnia - Rhodes)

We’re at one of my (current) favourite spots: Alimnia. Martin was first up, found him reading his history of Crete in WW2 up on deck. I had a splashy wash and a snorkel around the anchorage then made coffee (Chez slept in, having had a couple of bad nights in a row from weather and anchor worries, she’d slipped herself a Mickey last night, and was still sleeping soundly. Just as I poured the cups out for me and Martin, there was what sounded like a brick being thrown into the water : it turned out to be 3 or 4 good sized (about 2 ft long) Mahi Mahi. We quickly set up the spinning lures and tried to attract their attention, which we did, but not sufficient enough to actually bite the lure. Shame - had Martin of pulled one in he would have earned the title of Mahi - Martin... ah well next time.

Not to have his angling prowess questioned, he did of course pull up something: a flatheadesque fish who smiled for the cameras before returning to the deep.

Sleepy beauty arose at 10ish, (9:40! She keeps on reminding me)we prepped for departure and left Aliminia with fond farewells at around 11. Headed North along the West coast of Rhodes in light winds, surf behind us. Lost another lure to a mystery piscine thief - that’s two this week. Whilst the Smith siblings enjoyed the joys of topside, down below I finally got round to a smelly job that had been lingering (like the smell) - the pipes and seacock in Cheryl’s ‘lady’ head had been causing some concern. Without going into too many details - mission successful.

Arrived at Rhodes town, having skirted the packed cattle pen beaches and hotels on the way in. A lot of traffic compared to our last few nights.. but Chez yet again equal to the task, and we were soon well set outside the ramparts of the Venetian defenses and marina wall (there being no room inside the marina wall). As the ferries danced around us, the party jet boats pumped their fists, and yellow submariners stopped behind us for a quick fag break before the next batch of red lobstered tourists were taken on board. Took Martin ashore for a wander - and came back to write this.


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