Southbound from Lindos (Rhodes)


29th Sept 2019 (Rhodes)

Woke in Lindos on Rhodes. 

We’ve been tied back (our first time doing so) in the lovely little bay overlooked by the castle and ringed by low lying cliffs.

The last few days have been spent feeding burley to fish - saddled bream, garfish and various others unidentifiable little fishies and a couple of massive pipe fish - few nibbles, less bites, and none landed.

We explored the castle and town a couple of days ago: the sprawling whitewashed town (specialising in tea towels and jewellery) appears to have lost its original charm, or this may have just been that the three of us were hot and knackered and not receptive to its beauty after traipsing up to the castle walls and back down again. Stopped for a cold one and to recharge the batteries on the way back - the waiter kindly supplying me with an ashtray for my stone cigar!

Took an exploratory walk with Martin yesterday along the cliff edge - highlights being: Seeing (and swearing and jumping out of my skin as I did so) at my first Greek snake, and hand grenade practice along the way - tossing rocks into the sea from the cliffs above. 

Much to Chez’s exasperation, I found and trawled a little driftwood beach - which has provided me with a nice stash of wood and various other bits and bobs for winter craft projects.

I’ve slept fairly well - (the Smiths not so much), despite an all night wedding two nights ago. 

We’re now underway heading South on our way back ‘home’ to Crete via a couple of usual suspect stops along the way.

Tasos ( big cigar ) today is Martin.

Later edit - the run down the East coast of Rhodes today was a mixed bag - dead calm to gusting 30s, we played the frustrating up, flap, reef, down game with the sails along the way. During these antics we were followed by what we assume to be a charter under full sail all day - nearly saw him knocked down on a couple of occasions late in the afternoon - glad we’re still cautious sailors. 

Now anchored off a long sandy beach, with wind whipping down over the dunes behind the beach - we’re well set in sand, so despite the blow, hopeful of a sound sleep all round tonight.

Spagbol, Red wine and Step Brothers to close out the evening. 


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