Back 'home' (Crete)


6th Oct 2019 (Crete)

We’re anchored in Elounda, waiting until the 31st Oct when we can re-enter the marina.

Awoke to the usual sound of the Smith siblings comparing notes on how long they were able to keep their eyes wide open overnight... Seriously.. will they never learn??

Headed over to Elounda town in the tender and picked up a little blue hire car. 

With me driving, and randomly selecting gears and wiping the windows along the way (I'm a little out of practice), we made our way to Kritsa Gorge. As picturesque as ever, and nice to be able to share some of our current home with Martin. Stopped and made stone stacked cairns along the way - Martin advising that he’s the Cairn Breh or some such nonsense. 

Stopped off at Lidl on the way back to Ag Nik - was very strange heading back into town, and seeing all the now familiar places again.

Caught up with the Reeces on Cloud 9, for a cuppa and a chat, before taking a walk around the lake and back along the coast path to the marina. Ag Nik remains a very beautiful spot. Showered at the marina, then off to the BBQ with all the usual suspects and all the usual conversations:

Dave cooking Spuds

Honey very pleased to see us

Jill rattling the money Tupperware

etc. etc.

Headed back to the boat before it got too dark, and now sit here writing this.


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