Bye Martin (Crete)


8th Oct 2019 (Crete)

Still anchored in Elounda with the best boat guest still present. He’s out trying to catch yet more fish as I get up - no luck, but saw some significant splashes from large fish - so maybe one day I might get one... we’ll see.

After a non diabetic breakfast for me and Chez, and rabbit food for Martin, we headed out in the tender, and then the hire car and over to the causeway. This is where the walk around the island that rims the bay at Elounda begins. Headed off in full sunshine, striding out up the gentle slope of the hill. Chez took a stumble and slipped into some particularly spikey shrubbery - adding bum and arm injuries to her growing list of aches and pains. We stopped off at a small quay next to one of the little chapels on the island, Martin and I swam in the ludicrously clear water. Took turns diving in and watching each other with the snorkel and goggles on. 

Had a nibble there, then headed back along the route in reverse order -  Chez joining the troops this time for some grenade practice into the sea ‘take that you sausage eaters!!’ - she performed well, and I suspect she may well receive a commendation at some later stage.

Started clouding over a little, as we got back to the car, then headed over to Basilicas in Ag Nig for a lunch of pizza and salad (very good). All well fed and watered we drove to Sisi via a quick tour of Malia.

The place was fairly quiet, but had the look and potential for some loud music and late night drink / vomit sessions if that's your thing. 

Sisi was something of a letdown, having been there previously on a more usual sunny day, the small town and quay lost its charm with the grey clouds above looming. 

I drove us the 1/2 hour back to the tender in Elounda, where we discovered one of our oars had gone walkabout - bastards! The heavy drizzle didn’t improve our spirits as we headed back over to the boat, my eagle eyed passengers surprisingly spotted the missing oar floating along quite happily, we picked it up and headed back to the boat to mop up the various little puddles we’d created by not shutting our hatches before leaving this morning. Ran the engine for a while to top up our batteries, which have yesterday and today shown over 100amp/hrs of usage for the first time.

Off for a farewell dinner tonight, and a sad airport run in the morning.

Didn’t end up eating out: all full from lunch, and Martin upset stomach. Started watching a Spanish show: money heist - 3 episodes in, all good


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