
Showing posts from April, 2020

Glass half full (Crete)

  8th April 2020 (Crete) I got to thinking that my previous entry may have been a little on the  ‘glass half empty’ side.  Back when I was at work full time I’d become known for my ‘black hat’ thinking, always trying to find the pitfalls in any projects I was associated with. Well, I’m having a go at the ‘glass half full’ this time around: It’s Spring! The days are getting warmer, and the recent showers we’ve had have got the beautiful blossoms showing around the marina, the grassed area at the end of the pontoon, usually a well manicured lawn is now a clover and speedwell filled meadow. With less human traffic around, the sound of birds can be heard - yesterday when walking the marina wall, I saw a delightful ultramarine flash - it was the kingfisher who’s been buzzing around all winter. Each morning we wake in our now comfortable bed (the mattress topper we got last year has made all the difference) - I cant say we usually get up at so and so time, as lay ins are now the norm, an

Locked down (Crete)

  5th April 2020 (Crete) We left Agios Nikolaos 4 days ago....well we should have done, had it not been for Coronavirus, the ‘rona’ or Covid 19, or whatever history finally decides to name this horrible curse. We are in fact still tied up in the marina in a curfew/lockdown situation, having returned to Crete from Australia four weeks ago. The marina are trying to impose a monthly summer rate upon us for staying - that’s €434 - which I’ve politely declined to pay at this stage - not sure how that’ll play out, but they do seem to be profiteering from this situation, albeit possibly unintentionally. At time of writing the disease is still sadly on the rising side of the curve that everyone talks about ‘flattening’. Greece have thus far done a great job of putting measures in place to reduce the spread locally.   I’m very glad that we’re a) together, b) stuck on an island.. and c) healthy for now.  Each day brings news of a new celebrity who’s become infected (Prince Charles, Tom H