Glass half full (Crete)


8th April 2020 (Crete)

I got to thinking that my previous entry may have been a little on the  ‘glass half empty’ side. 

Back when I was at work full time I’d become known for my ‘black hat’ thinking, always trying to find the pitfalls in any projects I was associated with. Well, I’m having a go at the ‘glass half full’ this time around:

It’s Spring! The days are getting warmer, and the recent showers we’ve had have got the beautiful blossoms showing around the marina, the grassed area at the end of the pontoon, usually a well manicured lawn is now a clover and speedwell filled meadow. With less human traffic around, the sound of birds can be heard - yesterday when walking the marina wall, I saw a delightful ultramarine flash - it was the kingfisher who’s been buzzing around all winter.

Each morning we wake in our now comfortable bed (the mattress topper we got last year has made all the difference) - I cant say we usually get up at so and so time, as lay ins are now the norm, and our departure from bed is driven by either full bladders or the desire for tea. 

Some years ago, I remember reading a quote and thinking how true it was at the time - it goes something along the lines of: ‘How seldom a man and wife in the midst of life can actually have breakfast together’ - well thankfully those days are behind us!

We’re forecast sun for the rest of the week - which always makes peoples smiles just that little bit wider.

With so much more time on our hands, I’ve read a couple of good books. I’ve also managed to finally getting around to saying ‘hi’ to a swathe of people I’d lost touch with but probably never would have actually got round to if it hadn’t been for the lockdown - and in turn had some lovely replies. 

I've been drawing - which I always enjoy when the urge is upon me.

I feel closer to my family than I have in a long time, even had an unexpectedly lovely to and fro text chat with Doug. I’m regularly playing online scrabble with both Lou and my mum (I’m 2 nil up against mum at this stage ... note ‘at this stage’). It’s been really nice for people to reconnect and actually have some time for loved ones.

I’ve also spent a lot of time on the PlayStation 2 that we bought back from Oz. Usually a guilty pleasure, I can now learn to shoot, run around and try to complete games that I’d only dipped into before (notable so far: James Bond Nightfire & Jack and Daxter)... with occasional advice from Charlie on the tricky bits. I’ve nearly got to a point where my legs aren’t involuntarily kicking around everywhere when the action gets too hectic!

Another upside of being locked down is that I don’t get that pre-BBQ or pre-Friday night drinks social anxiety. It’s a weird one, both are activities that I enjoy, but I do tend to stress before hand - I know: I’m weird ;)

And finally, we’re stuck in Greece, surely one of the loveliest countries in the world - and they’ve been absolutely amazing in their response and responsiveness to this situation, and we live on a yacht in the Med - there really is a hell of a lot to be happy about!! 


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