Still not much going on... (Crete)


16th May 2020 (Crete)

It’s a couple of weeks since the last entry... not much has changed.

Still stuck in Ag Nik marina, still stuck on 35 pressups... I did go up to 40, but couldn’t quite make the required 45 to keep me on track for the 51 needed on the 24th. (Edit: did manage 51 on my birthday)  I’ve compensated by swimming - the heat having gone through the roof the last few days (32 degrees at 9am today).

It’s a nice swim : jump in off A pontoon, swim around the 3 breakwaters and back and get out at the beach. I’m yet to see the team of barracudas who’ve been terrorising the bait fish around the marina.

Lockdown is easing, if not by law, at least by people’s attitude to it here on the island - we’re supposedly Covid-free, so until the tourists begin again, this is the safest we’re likely to be.

We’ve had a couple of get togethers at the little BBQ area - affectionately known as the crematorium. One was to celebrate George Ratter’s completion of his Proclaimers inspired 500 miles walk around the marina wall. The next day a similar socially distanced piss up to celebrate Jan’s birthday. Jan’s a really nice, full of life Dutch guy, who has cheerfully battled cancer since we’ve known him.

Still stuck on Medal of Honor Frontline - and spend a good couple of hours a day getting happily frustrated by the ‘Jerr’.

Tony won Survivor last night, and the confusing Gangs of London, and Masterchef fill the evenings.

Chez’s guitar prowess continues to improve - she’s learning the Money Heist theme at the moment: Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao!

Not much else to report - the thinking at this stage, is that we might be able to leave in July.... but we’ll see.


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