Over-nighter (Crete - Mainland)


5th June 2020 (Crete - Mainland)

Tonight, we’re setting off from Marathi Bay, a picture postcard little beach resort. A couple of straw roofed tavernas, a few beach umbrellas overlooked by snow capped mountains and to somewhat spoil the overall effect - it’s frequently buzzed by NATO jet planes from their base just over the hill. At around 11pm, we up anchor and head off in well lit, full moon conditions. Our course is taking us North initially to round the final headland that we need to pass before we turn more Westward to head up towards the Greek mainland, and Monemvasia. The sky is clear, the water calm, and with the Great and Little Bears clearly visible to guide our way, it’s a treat to be on the water. 

To further enhance my own enjoyment, within 10 mins of getting under way, I see a shooting star - delightful! We’re both fairly bright eyed and bushy tailed initially, and enjoy the sea and each other’s company, raising the genoa ineffectually every now and then in the weak wind. After a late late supper of tuna wraps, Chez gets her head down in the cabin for an hour or so - she hadn’t had a siesta so was a little more tired than me, she awoke after an hour and we shift changed for me to nap. I’m woken to a cup of tea two hours later, the moon is slowly setting in the West and a wonderful glow is growing  in the East, and as I write this the Eastern horizon has taken on a ReadyBrek glow - I’ll finish there and watch the sun to pop up.

The sun is now well up... it’s 11:30am, we’re still a few kilometres from the southern tip of the Peloponnese, there’s a lot of large tanker traffic to-ing and fro-ing across our path. Chez radioed a couple of them who were within a close course to ours just to confirm everyone knew what was going on. Another radio highlight this morning was our first Italian securité broadcast - this adds to the Turkish and Greek ones we are more used to. 

The forecast wind has still not materialized, so we continue motoring along with an occasional attempt at raising the sails until they flap forlornly and we furl them away.

Out of the blue - a very apt phase - jumps a dolphin about 30 metres off our port side, we both rush forward and spend the next five minutes in rapt delight as a pod upwards of 20 dolphins dance and jump around our bow - always an honour to see such beautiful creatures. ...and both managed to grab some video of our guests for us to enjoy later.

Oh... and did I mention I’d managed to slot in a slap up full English breakfast...

You know what? This really IS the life!

Arrived at Menomvasia around 3pm, the wind did pick up a little to allow us to sail/surf the last couple of hours. The town quay is inhabited by only small fishing boats... we’re half expecting Covid paranoid locals with pitchforks to come and drive us away at some stage soon. We’re now tied up side to, sipping margaritas and really relaxing... oh! and Chez has just spotted a large (about 80cm long) turtle swimming round the quay and popping his head up occasionally. The town looks to be low level touristy, without losing any of its charm... but exploring will have to wait until post - Siesta! 


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