Zucchini fritters and taramasalata (Galaxhidi to Trizonia)


4th July 2020 (Galaxhidi to Trizonia)

We’ve spent the last few days on the quay in the charming little town of Galaxhidi. We’re starting to see more tourists arriving. The cafes, while far from full, are now probably serving enough customers to at least justify being open. The town up from the quay is on a steepish hill that rises up through a maze of cobbles streets to a large Byzantine church, which we panted our way up to once or twice. Whist there, we adopted a cute little cat for the duration of our stay  - she was a very slimmed down version of Chunky (our Crete marina cat) colour wise, but with a more angular face. Anyway, very affectionate, and good company.

I really liked Galaxidhi, it’s got a village feel to it, and it’s not overly touristy - shops & restaurant wise. Leaving there with fond memories. Left there this morning after picking up bread from the town square. Heading West, we’d originally planned to lunch and swim at an anchorage by a town called Agios Nicholas (....yes, just like our home in Crete). This had been recommended by Chris Vass... (a fellow Cretan marina resident) but she hadn’t actually specified which town of Agios Nicholas she meant - there being at least 4 of them in this area alone (....a popular guy that Nikolaos).

Anyway, as we approached, it didn’t really grab us - we probably having been spoilt by all the lovely places we’ve seen in the last few weeks! so we continued on our way towards Trizonia. 

On route were once again visited by dolphins - a pod of 8-10, they didn’t stay long, just a quick check of the bow and away again, but notable for their size: they were massive!

Arrived here in Trizonia in good time, early afternoon. Thought we were well set with the anchor but upon inspection, we’d just picked up a ball of weed and would have dragged, so we re set it, but by this stage couldn’t see the bottom because of the churned up silt. We trusted our side transits and the added insurance that the anchor alarm gives. Dropped the tender, fitted the outboard and headed over to the jetty. The town is split between two bays, the one that we’re in is quiet, and the other is less sheltered, and more populated with beachside cafes and restaurants. After a quick there and back promenade in the late afternoon sun, we opted for a couple of refreshing beers on the front at an almost busy cafe, and tucked into some light snacks (zucchini fritters and taramasalata) which were surprisingly good. Back to the boat, which was thankfully still roughly where we’d left it. Had a sub par dinner of my making then fed some fish - they are really taking the Mickey now! I’d throw in bread which they snap up from the surface almost immediately, but as soon as a hook goes into the water they’re nowhere to be seen. Watched an animated film while Chez stayed up top trying to keep cool, then off to bed to write this.


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