Piglet Bear Bay (Kefalonia)


25th July 2020 

Having left the easy life tied to the quay at the ever smiling Dimitri's on Zante, we headed North. After a day of tacking we made our way to a quick overnight stop in the small town of Sami on Kefalonia. It’s a nice spot, and well attended, but the highlights for us were dodging the marineros and finding a post office to  pay our cruising tax for another month. We left there... with the marineros waving a €15 euro receipt from the quayside and saying you must pay.

With a winning smile, I replied “I’ll pay when we get back” - which, in all honesty, may happen one day.

We followed the East coast of Kefalonia North and found a one boat sized bay, delightfully called ‘Piglet Bear Bay’ 

We tied back, not our usual or preferred method, but after some adjusting here and there were well set in this picturesque little paradise. The wind and swell however turned out to be on the beam, so after a slightly uncomfortable first night, we upped anchor and reset at a more suitable angle stern to the beach - and in doing so, created our own little swimming pool. 

That was yesterday morning. We are now well set, had a non-rolly night last night, and woke to the local goat population strolling around the rocky shoreline. They’re bell-less, so no tinkling, just the occasional bleat to sound their presence. Other wildlife, not quite so welcome, is a persistent small number of wasps, who I, thankfully, am able to ignore, while Chez is kept entertained  swatting and swearing them away. 

I took a walk up behind the small pebble beach yesterday. There’s lots of signs of previous dwelling, walls here and there and even a well worn stone road, but all deserted, from Chez’s reading, suspect this coincided with the earthquake and aftershocks in 1953, where a mass exodus occurred from the island.

In other news, I have a knot in my stomach and some interesting toilet experiences at the mo - hopefully a short term phase that tonight’s curry will sort out! 

edit: turned out to be suspected disentry: not fun at all.


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