Meltemi (Paros)


5th Sept 2020 (Paros)

We’re currently cowering on anchor on the island of Paros, next to the far from unpleasant town of Parikia (see pre-blow pic). Why cowering? 

The Meltemi wind that funnels down from Istanbul has apparently not finished for the season, and is having a last blow or two to show us yachties who’s boss. 

The anchorage has about 30 to 40 boats in - well packed, and in the last 24 hours we’ve seen a couple of these boat’s anchors drag.. most notably the boat directly to windward (in front) of us last night at 3am.. 

No bellowing required from me, as he managed to reset his hook quite quickly, more by luck than judgement I suspect.

To give an idea of what being on the boat during a Meltemi blow feels like, imagine you lived in a very small house that usually rocks you gently to sleep... well now imagine that same house violently shaking, screaming and groaning at you all night and threatening to kill you if you step outside. At the same time, randomly any of forty other small houses are also all groaning and screaming at their occupants and might run at your house and do it some serious damage at any moment ... it’s not the best analogy, but that provides a rough idea. 

More, and increased wind forecast for tonight, so will probably take turns on deck to keep any eye on things... I can’t say one sleeps while the other watches, as I can’t see either of us getting much sleep.

Ho hum.... 

Edit (2days later) : Storms pass - that’s what they do. Winds have subsided for now, both got a good nights rest last night, and are off to George’s 61st birthday dinner tonight on his boat across the bay. 


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