Turning cold.. (Amorgos - Anafi)


19th Oct 2020 (Amorgos)

Having been disturbed in the night by the dropping and raising of the local ferry’s anchor chain, when the actual time to get up and go came around, we were both ready to get going. 

We’re tied back onto the town quay at Katapola on the island of Amorgos. Our neighbours here are Carl and Jenny, with whom we’ve made a firm friendship over the last 10 days or so. Both those two, and Debbie and Lachlan (who were anchored in the harbour here last night) are heading down towards Crete today. After picking up some pies for brekkie and lunch from the nice local bakery, we let go the lines and headed out, with Carl and Jen close behind. Debbie and Lachlan must have left pre-dawn and we’ve since heard they plan to overnight until they get to Crete.. that’s too long for us, so we’re planning to break up the journey into two legs, stopping overnight at the island of Anafi. 

The initial sea state as we left the harbour was quite choppy, and having put both sails out to their full extent, within half an hour we’d reefed them both back. Once we’d cleared the island, the surf and wind turned behind us, and should have made for a decent ‘wing on wing’ sail South. It wasn’t bad, but there was sufficient swell for the sails to annoyingly flap here and there, and gradually through the day the wind tapered off to nothing and the sails were put away. We motored into a good looking bay at the South of Anafi, dropped anchor and dived on it to make sure it was set - it was. The weather has now taken a suitable turn considering the time of year, both of us wearing jumpers for the last hour of our journey. Also in the bay tonight are another couple from B Pontoon in Ag Nik: John and Jane, a nice older couple who’ve circumnavigated in the past, but don’t go out of their way to make a song and dance about it - as some others we’ve met tend to do. 

On channel 72 our 3 boats agreed that 5am would be a good time to start in the morning, as the journey back to Crete is estimated at another 12/13 hours, and we’d like to arrive before dark if possible. 

That’s about if for now. 

Early night for us tonight.


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