Little Love Lockdown (Crete)


30th Nov 2020 (Crete)

Another ‘not sailing’ diary entry.. 

We’re back in Agios Nikolaos again for the winter, and once again find ourselves locked down as the Covid pandemic continues. Thankfully not many cases on Crete at the moment, and only one or two recorded in our region. 

Days are lazy, I’m half way through the rudder bearing repair - still waiting for UPS to deliver the required parts which have been stalled in Athens for the last week. 

Right now it’s just coming up to 10am, Chez is dozing next to me after being awake and reading the papers at 8 ish. 

The other occupant of our bed is the delightful little cat who’s calling our boat home for the winter - variously called ‘little grey’ ‘wolfie’ or my favourite; ‘little love’ - she’s a gorgeous little purr box who delights in paddling and curling up as close as possible to us in our ‘nooks’

We had Carl and Jen over for bangers and mash last night - that, some creme brûlée’s and 4 bottles of red wine made for a fun night all round. 

Not much going on here really - I’m (once again) trying to learn some Spanish. I’m using Duolingo, and really enjoying it. I’m playing some very competitive games of Scrabble with mum (current season sits at 2-1 to me.... early days). Afternoons are spent either siestaing or playing backgammon on Dream.

And that’s probably about it for now, I’m about to don my mask, fill out my form and pop over to the bakers for some bread.....ah! What exciting lives we lead :)

Sad edit: Little Love passed away in early 2021. She was sorely missed :(


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