Not much going on.... (Crete)


1st May 2020 (Crete)

The weather is now heating up a bit (creeping out of the defined 'comfort zone' on the barometer), and we’ve had the winter covers off for the last few days. 

Days for me now follow a rough regime: we’ve swapped doors to enter our forward cabin, so I, instead of Chez, now see the light of dawn coming through the companionway doors. The upshot of this is that I’m rising slightly earlier than previously - don’t get excited, this just means the hour hand on the clock is possibly still pointing at single figures when I put the kettle on. I’ve then been going on a quick stomp around the marina wall. ced and great for fast walking (as well as  induced dancing no doubt). 

Half way through the walk, at the far end of the marina wall, I drop and pump out 35 press ups. I’m working up to be able to do 51 on my birthday, a feat which I believe my dad used to be able to do for some years (will check with the other siblings to find out exactly how long that went on for!). When I get back, hot sweaty and panting, we breakfast together - porridge today, smoked salmon and eggs yesterday. If there’s any boat jobs we’ve conjured up, they are attended to around mid morning, then it’s PS2 for me (currently Medal of Honour frontline) and guitar, books and neighbourly chats for Chez. After napping in the afternoon, I do a repeat performance of my stomping and press ups before dinner, then some washing up (unless we’ve had the almost legendary ‘Al Tonno’ pizza from Basillica - delivery only) and then a bit of telly. We’ve just finished Ricky Gervais’ Afterlife - a dour affair, but not altogether unpleasant. Also Masterchef, 60 days in and the obligatory Survivor all feature fairly regularly in our viewing schedule. About half 10/ 11, Chez retires, with me staying up to watch a ‘boys’ film or more sausage eater killing until I feel tired enough to retire.


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