On the way to Two Rock Bay ( Vonitsa - Two Rock Bay )

We’ve spent the last three days enjoying doing very little. 
Having dashed up from Crete, we now find ourselves within reach of Corfu (where Chez’s second Covid jab is booked) with some time on our hands. We were at Vonitsa, anchored behind a small pine filled island that smelled as good as it looked. This provided us with some good protection from the swell, and a peaceful still anchorage, that we’ve both slept well in. 
There’s two very distinct and different noises that echo around the little bay there: firstly, morning and night there’s a herd of cows that clang their bells as they head off to presumably be milked somewhere. Their bells are distinguishable from the smaller tinnier goat bells we usually hear with a deeper bass tone - this bizarrely puts me in mind of Swiss downhill skiing supporters at the Olympics... but I digress. The second noise, and very much at odds to the first is a hardcore DJ with, what must be absolutely massive speakers hidden some miles away (we couldn’t see him). For the three days we were there, at seemingly random intervals he’d, as the saying goes: ‘MAKE SOME NOISE!!’ 
 Departed there this morning in a light breeze that was enough to allow us to sail for the first hour as we headed out past the fish farms and towards the forest of masts at Preveza. The water is fairly shallow there, and we spotted a number of turtles popping their heads up to see what was going on as we went past. Out past Preveza we headed North up the coast. The promised Westerly was a more weak North-Westerly, meaning we could just barely sail, which we did - but after 8 hours on the water, still an hour out from our destination for the night (Two rock bay) we grudgingly agreed that 1.9 knots really wasn’t how fast we wanted to be getting there, so turned the key and fired up the engine for the rest of the journey - which allowed me time to write this :) Edit: 'Two rock bay' should be renamed 'One Million Mosquito bay'!!


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