Adios España... well, nearly. (Gran Canaria)


...and against all the odds, braving travel bans and Covid tests galore, Martin arrives. This is met with wide smiles and sighs of relief all round.
The upcoming Atlantic crossing wouldn't have been impossible by any means, but with three of us, instead of two on watches will make everything so much easier.
Despite apparently having done everything we need to do before our departure, our list of jobs is still bizarrely growing instead of shrinking.
Today’s delights include safety briefings, squashing the tender into a locker and raising the rarely used (until now) spinnaker.
We’re now two days away from departure, two days away from the new year and two days away from the adventure of a lifetime. This fills me with a gut tingling excitement, mixed with a good deal of understandable trepidation.
So for now, I’ll finish up with a nice quote from Christopher Columbus:

‘Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World behind’ 

P.S. For anyone reading this who'd like to see where we are going (or went!) - click the link below:



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