
Showing posts from June, 2023

Your happiness is our goal (Tahiti)

  26 June 2023 (Tahiti) Having left Rangiroa yesterday morning, this morning finds us over half way towards Tahiti. We’ve sailed throughout at 5knots + in a large beamy swell that has made life interesting, and walking around hard. It’s been a good sail, despite us both having moments of partially rounding up overnight. Usual tale of fishing: tangled line, stolen lures and swearing, further details of which I will not bore you with. The next day that turned around, after an uneventful rolly day on the water, at sunset I hooked a small yellowfin tuna. Just dished up dinner, so that can wait til tomorrow in Tahiti to feed us. At time of writing (7pm) the island of Tahiti is visible as a glow in front, but still some 30 odd miles away. We’ll be arriving after dark, and probably after the moon has set into Venus Bay (of Captain Cook fame… and subsequently learned also of Robert Louis Stephenson and William Bligh fame! - all apparently fond of topless Tahitian woman… what’s not to like??!).

No news is good news. (Rangiroa)

18 June 2023 (Rangiroa) Anchored off the ultimate picture postcard resort: KiaOra on Rangiroa. Thatched huts sit above pure crystal turquoise water. Palms behind, and a little beach in front. We’re here having a few lazy days. The last passage to here from Nuku Hiva, was a lovely sail pretty much throughout, but it did tire us both out. With the luxury of no real timetable to have to stick to, this isn’t a problem - we can take it easy. We are a little blind when it comes to the weather - the phone loaded up with the appropriate apps got wet in one of the last squalls so we’re restricted the basics from the iridium on my phone. Gave the hull a clean yesterday - curious unicorn fish keeping me company. Surprisingly not much dirt down there this time round, so more of a fun activity than a dirty, itchy chore. Both me and Chez have been swimming. I picked up a coconut on an otherwise fruitless morning hike hunting for baguettes. Back on board, I spent a happy half hour on the transom slo

You passed! (Nuka Hiva - Rangiroa)

  12 June 2023 (Nuku Hiva - Rangiroa) Well, we’re off again… picked up baguettes “pour Riccardo” for the last time, and upped anchor and away from Nuku Hiva with little fuss. I have loved it here. I’ll miss.. The happy roving dog pack, being Riccardo to the ladies at the supermarket, the bonfire loving locals, the high pitched Polynesian giggles of the fishermen, ham and cheese paninis from the shop with the kittens, and the sheer beauty of this place and its surrounding mountains. It’s also somewhere where you think nothing of congratulating strangers who’ve just arrived. Exiting the bay, we’ve got good/great wind, a mild roll, which is soon tolerated Caught a fish (another on Ballyhoo John’s red and white lure) a skipjack tuna - my biggest tuna. Turned this into a lovely noodle dish, pan frying the fish in teriyaki sauce - and for once having some fresh veggies to go with it too. We slip easily back into the rhythm of the passage - a once daunting prospect.. the upcoming overnighter