
Showing posts from September, 2019

Bombs Away! (Rhodes)

  30th Sept 2019 (Rhodes) We’re just off the South Western tip of Rhodes, anchored in sand along a long sweeping (nearly) deserted beach backed by dunes - a good spot. Other than the now normal aches and pains, everybody reported a good nights sleep - a miracle as the other two can’t seem to follow the simple ‘keep your eyes closed’ instructions. Martin kindly made breakfast - fruit muesli and yogurt.  We took the tender over to the beach, Chez opting to stay on board and continue with her current Stephen King book, ‘Institute’ which she’s whipping through and very much enjoying. Martin and I strolled the beach, good sand, which is rare, but dotted with sun bleached human trash - which sadly isn’t. We played a bit of catch, with him copping an absolute beauty to the ballbag, sending him fetal to the floor. I found this a little funnier than he did. We scouted the beach for a good spot for a sundowner beach fire later - but it was not to be: We were hailed by two guys in a small

Southbound from Lindos (Rhodes)

  29th Sept 2019 (Rhodes) Woke in Lindos on Rhodes.  We’ve been tied back (our first time doing so) in the lovely little bay overlooked by the castle and ringed by low lying cliffs. The last few days have been spent feeding burley to fish - saddled bream, garfish and various others unidentifiable little fishies and a couple of massive pipe fish - few nibbles, less bites, and none landed. We explored the castle and town a couple of days ago: the sprawling whitewashed town (specialising in tea towels and jewellery) appears to have lost its original charm, or this may have just been that the three of us were hot and knackered and not receptive to its beauty after traipsing up to the castle walls and back down again. Stopped for a cold one and to recharge the batteries on the way back - the waiter kindly supplying me with an ashtray for my stone cigar! Took an exploratory walk with Martin yesterday along the cliff edge - highlights being: Seeing (and swearing and jumping out of my ski

Roger the one eyed cat (Rhodes)

  23rd Sept 2019 (Rhodes) Waking from a bloody awful rolly night just outside the walls of Mandraki Marina in Rhodes - the three of us are all a bit ratty and bleary eyed. Martin and I take the tender over to the marina office, and I meet George the manager/marinaro. Manage to secure a berth from 11am for two days. This news is well received by Chez, who as well as feeling a little unwell would probably agree that she’s the rattiest of the three of us this morning  Toast for brekkie, then up anchor and a quick jaunt round the marina wall, and into the calmer waters within. (Should mention that the entrance to the marina was once straddled by the Collosos of Rhodes - one of the seven ancient wonders of the world)  The wind - as is now a regular occurrence - picked up as we came in, this accompanied by the Yellow Submarine departing and a three storey stink boat picking up an anchor (Troy’s documentary making buddies with the boxing kangaroo flag), all this did not make for a calm and

Heading to Rhodes town (Aliminia - Rhodes)

  22nd Sept 2019 (Alimnia - Rhodes) We’re at one of my (current) favourite spots: Alimnia. Martin was first up, found him reading his history of Crete in WW2 up on deck. I had a splashy wash and a snorkel around the anchorage then made coffee (Chez slept in, having had a couple of bad nights in a row from weather and anchor worries, she’d slipped herself a Mickey last night, and was still sleeping soundly. Just as I poured the cups out for me and Martin, there was what sounded like a brick being thrown into the water : it turned out to be 3 or 4 good sized (about 2 ft long) Mahi Mahi. We quickly set up the spinning lures and tried to attract their attention, which we did, but not sufficient enough to actually bite the lure. Shame - had Martin of pulled one in he would have earned the title of Mahi - Martin... ah well next time. Not to have his angling prowess questioned, he did of course pull up something: a flatheadesque fish who smiled for the cameras before returning to the deep.

A windy night (Symi)

  13th Sept 2019 (Symi) After a heavy, deep sleep, awoke to another peaceful day in Panametis on Simi.  Avocado feta and oatcakes for brekkie. Martin and I took the tender to a little beach inlet within the bay, and amused ourselves by throwing stones and completely missing a concrete tying post for ten minutes. Back to the boat for a quick splashy wash swim and a rinse off from Chez with a bucket of fresh water ( we’re still without water tanks ).  Chez and Martin then went over to the monastery for a look around - I wasn’t fussed, and still feeling a little below par from sinusitis (toothache, headache, and orange liquid snot) Chez picked up anitBs for me yesterday, so should be clear soon. I had a half arsed attempt a float fishing off the back - with the usual level of success. The pilgrims returned, and the accouterments of Tasos (stone cigar and badge) were passed on to Cheryl. Martin missed out on the title by making up some BS story about saving a little birdy... Seriously

Trying to drown Martin (Kos-Symi)

  11th Sept 2019 (Kos - Symi) Woke up earlyish on the quay at Kardamaina. We’d delightedly picked up flowy (he goes with the flow) Martin last night, had a beer and a late night Tasty Corner snack before we all crashed.  The next morning we headed out from the quay early without incident: we’ve been partially avoiding Zac the Port Master - having been here for 4 nights without paying. This isn’t strictly true. I’d given Zac a Rabbitohs NRL ball as a gift when we’d first arrived - I think that’s fair, and hope he agrees. Our destination today is the calm monastery bay of Panametis on Simi. The sea is smooth, and there’s little wind, so a motoring start to the day. We took hour long shifts to hold the stone cigar ( the signal for Captaincy ). Raised the genoa and plodded along at a sedate 3/4 knots. It’s a hot day, so after a few hours I suggested a swim off the back. We turned the engine off, donned swimmers and all splashed in. Had the lilo in, but all soon realised that the current